Friday, July 8, 2016

Been M.I.A. in the Weight Loss Blog World...

July 8th, 2016 CW: 165lbs SW: 257lbs SurgW: 242lbs
Hey Everyone!

I want to apologize for being absent on this blog. Things are going great and I have lost a LOT more, since my last post. (No worries! I will share photos below..)

I recently started a new blogging adventure and I have put the majority of my focus there and on my MTE Schooling. I am still way behind on my studies and as it looks now, I will be graduating before Christmas. I am okay with that. BUT I wish I would have been able to focus on it more, without the health and family interruptions.

Update time!

Since my last post in February, I have lost another 48.8 pounds!! I cannot tell you how amazing it feels! Losing almost 91 pounds, hasn't come without it's issues. I have been going to physical therapy every two weeks, for about 4 months now. I started getting dizzy on a regular basis and my primary doctor did a bunch of different tests, but everything came back normal. It turns out, I have an inner ear defect and it is throwing off my balance and causing me severe motion sensitivity. NOT FUN. Ha!

The physical therapy seems to be helping, but there are some days where I feel worse than others. I'm managing.

I definitely have a NEW relationship with food. I love certain things, but get sick of the after eating them for weeks on end. I forget to eat. Things I used to be able to enjoy, no destroy my gut for days... This is not all glitter and butterflies, people! This is hard work. Haha. I have set multiple alarms that remind me throughout the day to eat. Some times....they don't help! I snooze or ignore them and forget to eat anyways. But, I am getting better and I know that I am getting the nutrients that I need.

This is a short update, since not a whole heck of a lot has changed other than my appearance and that's the best part anyways! Here you go!

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